​Trey Moody is the author of Thought That Nature, selected for the 2012 Kathryn A. Morton Prize in Poetry and forthcoming from Sarabande Books. His poems have appeared in Best New Poets 2009, Colorado Review, Denver Quarterly, Indiana Review, and Washington Square. He lives in Lincoln, Nebraska.​
I think the quantity of timbered land on the river is increasing
—Meriwether Lewis, 16 April 1805
Sun erases yesterday’s
news I now
can see completely—
the hills of the river still
continue extremely broken—
but how long until one
no longer can see—
when it becomes a fine
level country of open fertile lands—
the history of handling
the inaccessible—
the mineral appearances
still continue—
and still I think
that somehow this
is all I can know

Perfect Potential
saw several parsels of buffaloe’s hair hanging on the rose bushes, which had been bleached by exposure to the weather and became perfectly white
—Meriwether Lewis, 18 April 1805
Appearance of the wool
of the sheep, tho’ much finer
and more silkey and soft
material to clothe,
to house, to protect
from the unknowable
though knowledge
lacks correlation
with conviction
I am confident​
that an excellent cloth
may be made
of the wool
of the Buffaloe
and I am confident
that we will never
not attempt to makeup
for any lack
The Good Life
the Small Pox reduced the others
—William Clark, 10 March 1805
How to begin
How to write
about a place
those Chiefs stayed all day
and all night
Beal Slough we see
by highway
A moment
Do salt flats a city
gave us man[y]
Strange accounts of his nation &c
A city
How to write about a place
five Villages
on the West Side & two on the East
What do we
we know
And how do we know
to begin